How To Stop Snoring

How To Stop Snoring? 8 Home Remedies and Lifestyle Changes

Why Do People Snore?

Why Do People Snore

Snoring occurs when air flows through your throat while you sleep, causing the relaxed tissues in your throat to vibrate and produce harsh, potentially irritating sounds.

Snoring can disrupt your sleep or your partner's sleep. Even if it doesn't bother you much, it shouldn't be ignored, as it may indicate a serious health condition, such as:

  • Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), or blocked airways
  • Obesity
  • Structural issues with your mouth, nose, or throat
  • Sleep deprivation

In some cases, snoring may simply result from sleeping on your back or consuming alcohol too close to bedtime.

Home Remedies and Lifestyle Changes for Snoring

Snoring caused by benign factors, such as sleep position, can often be managed with simple home remedies. Certain lifestyle changes can also help reduce snoring.

Sleep on Your Side

Sleep on Your Side to stop snoring

Sleeping on your back can cause your tongue to move to the back of your throat, partially blocking airflow. Sleeping on your side can help keep air flowing freely and reduce or eliminate snoring.

Get Enough Sleep

Adults need 7-9 hours of sleep each night, as recommended by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and the Sleep Research Society. Sleep deprivation can increase the risk of snoring by causing throat muscles to relax, making airway obstruction more likely. Snoring itself can also lead to interrupted sleep and increase the risk of sleep deprivation.

Raise the Head of Your Bed

Raise the Head of Your Bed

Elevating the head of your bed by a few inches can help keep your airways open and reduce snoring. Use products like bed risers or extra pillows to achieve this height.

Use Nasal Strips or a Nasal Dilator

Use Nasal Strips or a Nasal Dilator

Stick-on nasal strips can be applied to the bridge of your nose to increase the space in the nasal passage, improving breathing and reducing snoring. An external nasal dilator, a stiff adhesive strip placed on top of the nose across the nostrils, can also decrease airflow resistance. Internal nasal dilators, which are placed inside the nose, are another option.

Limit or Avoid Alcohol Before Bed

Limit or Avoid Alcohol Before Bed

Avoid consuming alcohol for at least 3 hours before bedtime, as it can relax throat muscles and cause snoring. Alcohol can also disrupt sleep by reducing the amount of REM sleep, which is important for memory formation and dreaming.

Avoid Taking Sedatives Before Bed

Avoid Taking Sedatives Before Bed

If you take sedatives, talk to your doctor about your options. Stopping sedative use before bed may help reduce snoring, as sedatives can relax throat muscles similar to alcohol.

Try to Stop Smoking

Try to Stop Smoking

Smoking can worsen snoring by increasing the risk of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) or exacerbating the condition. Consider discussing therapies such as nicotine gum or patches with your doctor to help you quit. You can also explore our recommendations for the best quit smoking apps.

Maintain a Moderate Weight

Maintain a Moderate Weight to prevent snoring

If you are overweight, losing weight can help reduce the amount of tissue in your throat that might be causing snoring. Focus on reducing caloric intake by eating smaller portions and nutrient-rich foods, and try to get regular daily exercise. Consulting a doctor or nutritionist can also be helpful.

Key Takeaways

Snoring, often caused by factors such as sleep position, can be managed through simple home remedies and lifestyle changes. Sleeping on your side, getting 7-9 hours of sleep, and elevating the head of your bed can help reduce snoring. Nasal strips or dilators can improve airflow, while limiting alcohol and avoiding sedatives before bed can prevent throat muscle relaxation. Quitting smoking and maintaining a moderate weight are also important, as they reduce the risk of obstructive sleep apnea and excessive throat tissue, respectively.

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