Heavy Metal Detox: 7 Foods That Help To Detox from Harmful Heavy Metals

Heavy Metal Detox: 7 Foods That Help To Detox from Harmful Heavy Metals

Lots of foods can help remove bad metals that can get into your body every day. In this article, we'll tell you about 7 foods you can easily find, either fresh or dried, and lasting a long time. They come from the best sources!

People often talk about diets to clean out bad stuff and lose weight. But when it comes to getting rid of bad metals, don't think of it as a short diet for just a week. Think of it as a chance to change how you live and eat healthier, natural foods. Pay attention to making all parts of your life better.

What you will find in this article:

  • If we don't understand why detox is important, we might end up doing more harm than good to our bodies. Detox, in simple terms, means getting rid of all the bad stuff in our bodies, especially heavy metals. Why is it necessary?
  • We can get bad stuff from tap water, the air we breathe, and the food we eat. Sometimes, pesticides on nonorganic foods have heavy metals. It's a good idea to regularly detox our bodies from these harmful things to stay healthy.
  • The easiest way to start helping your body detox is to look at what you eat every day. Learn how to naturally remove heavy metals from your body and find foods that can help with that.

What is detox, and why is it important?

The term "detox" is commonly used, but many people may not grasp its true meaning. If we don't understand why detox is important, we might end up doing more harm than good to our bodies.

When we talk about detox, we mean the natural way of getting rid of metals and toxins from our bodies. Every day, we come into contact with harmful chemicals and heavy metals without even realizing it.

Some of these toxins can seriously harm our health, leading to diseases like cancer, reproductive issues, metabolic disorders, and mental health problems. Although our organs like the liver, kidneys, and intestines are constantly working to keep us healthy by removing toxins through feces, urine, and sweat, we should still pay attention to additional detoxification.

To support our organs and help them do their job, it's essential to make healthy lifestyle choices. These choices play a huge role in flushing out toxins from our bodies and promoting overall well-being.

How To Remove Heavy Metals From Our Body

The simplest way to start supporting your body's detox process is to take a close look at your meals and the food you eat every day. Make sure the food you regularly eat is clean and organic.

Keep in mind that the ingredients in your detox-friendly foods should be organic and sourced from clean places!

Wondering how to get rid of heavy metals from your body? Well, here are some foods that can assist in cleansing and detoxing heavy metals from your liver and your entire body:


Blueberries are incredibly good for your health. They contain a natural aspirin called salicylates, which can reduce the harmful effects of inflammation. Additionally, blueberries are rich in antioxidants and have antiviral effects that help prevent infections and shield cells from free radicals. Antioxidants play a crucial role in eliminating free radicals, which form when heavy metals react with proteins and other substances as part of the body's natural processes.

Studies have shown that consuming organic wild blueberry extract may aid in detoxifying heavy metals from the brain's lymphatics and support the brain's cleansing process by inhibiting a specific protein.

A straightforward and tasty way to incorporate healthy blueberry extract into your diet is by enjoying a wild blueberry smoothie bowl.

Antioxidants play a vital role in helping the body get rid of free radicals, which form when heavy metals react with proteins and other substances involved in the body's metabolism.

When selecting blueberries for your detox, it's essential to opt for the best type of organic wild blueberries to maximize their effectiveness!

Nordic Wild Blueberries may be smaller due to their lower water content, but they compensate by having approximately four times higher antioxidant levels compared to any other cultivated blueberry!

These petite blueberries cannot be cultivated or grown in any way and are exclusively found in rural areas far from pollution. This ensures that you are getting the cleanest and most nutritious kind of berries!

To sum it up quickly, here are the key differences between cultivated blueberries, and Nordic wild blueberries.

Blueberries for metal detox

If you can't find fresh Nordic Wild Blueberries in your local area, no need to worry – you can opt for freeze-dried blueberries!

Freeze-drying is a versatile method that retains 97% of the original nutritional value of the berries. Additionally, it extends their shelf life, keeping them good for up to two years when stored properly!

Many freeze-dried berries are also offered in powdered form, making it simple to incorporate them into your smoothies, yogurt, and other tasty meals.

Chaga Mushroom

Chaga Mushroom for detox

Chaga is a fungus that grows on birch tree bark in cold climates, and it has been utilized for centuries to enhance immunity, support detoxification, and promote overall health.

Chaga is packed with a potent antioxidant known as Superoxide Dismutase, crucial for both liver cleansing and cellular regeneration.

For effective detox, it's important to choose organic Chaga produced from the whole mushroom to retain all the valuable nutrients. As finding Chaga handpicked sustainably from pristine, certified organic forests may not be widespread, consider using Organic Chaga Mushroom Powder.

Using it is a breeze – you can mix it into your tea, coffee, smoothies, protein shakes, porridge, or cereal! It's considered a great alternative to your morning coffee, offering the same flavor but with added nutrition.


lemons for metal detox

Fruits and vegetables with plenty of vitamin C can minimize the harm from heavy metal toxins by working as antioxidants. Vitamin C plays a crucial role in transforming toxins into a water-soluble form, making it easier for the body to get rid of them.

Lemons kickstart digestion by activating enzymes, and efficient digestion is a key part of detoxification. Some vitamin C-rich foods include bell peppers, organic blackcurrants, citrus fruits, organic wild blueberries, guava, parsley, kiwis, broccoli, papayas, strawberries, and more.


garlic for heavy metal detox

Wondering how to naturally detox from arsenic and lead? Well, herbs like garlic and onions come to the rescue! They both contain sulfur, which supports the liver in detoxifying itself. This is beneficial for both arsenic and lead detox. Garlic, in particular, encourages the liver to generate detoxification enzymes that aid in filtering toxins from the digestive system.

Flax, Hemp, and Chia Seeds

Flax, Hemp, and Chia Seeds

These seeds are packed with crucial omega-3 fatty acids and are rich in fiber. The fiber plays a role in cleansing the colon, while omega-3 fatty acids are essential for reducing inflammation and are needed for all liver functions, including detoxification.

Now, if you're wondering how to detox from mercury, here's a tip: Since fish and fish oils can sometimes have heavy metals, particularly mercury, it's advisable to avoid them during detox. Instead, opt for seeds rich in omega-3 to ensure your body gets the necessary essential fatty acids while undergoing cleansing.

Green Vegetables

Green Vegetables

Greens stand out as potent foods for cleansing heavy metals, environmental toxins, and pesticides, primarily because of the chlorophyll they contain.

Chlorophyll supports the liver in detoxifying, boosts blood oxygen levels, and purifies blood cells. Now, if you're looking to detox from aluminum poisoning, incorporating a substantial amount of antioxidants is crucial. The most effective way to achieve this is by adding a variety of green leafy vegetables to your diet.

Ensure you include enough veggies like broccoli, cucumbers, kale, spinach, celery, sprouts, and arugula in your meals.



Beets have an important role in the liver and eliminate toxins. Beets are full of vitamins like B3, B6, and C and minerals like magnesium, calcium, zinc, and iron.

These vitamins and minerals help the liver to break down toxins. A fiber component called betaine in beets promotes digestion to effectively eliminate all the harmful toxins from the body.

What are heavy metals and how do they get in our body?

Heavy metals can find their way into our bodies through various, sometimes subtle, means. Toxins can be present in tap water, the air we breathe, and the food we eat. Nowadays, pesticides, commonly used on nonorganic foods, often contain heavy metals.

These metals, including mercury, lead, arsenic, cadmium, and aluminum, are linked to serious diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular issues, Alzheimer’s, and various behavioral disorders in children.

Surprisingly, even some beauty products can harbor harmful heavy metals. For instance, lead may be present in certain lipsticks, and some sunscreens may contain heavy metals.

Everyday items like car and house keys, made of lead, and furniture with protective finishes and fabrics, might contain heavy metals like antimony and cadmium.

Another health concern is aluminum, a toxic metal (though not technically a heavy metal), found in certain deodorants, tap water, some medications, and even in salt and white sugar.

The challenge is that we encounter these sources daily. Regularly considering detoxification from heavy metals and chemicals becomes crucial for maintaining lifelong wellness and health.

How can heavy metals harm our bodies?

When heavy metals infiltrate the body, they enter into cells, disrupting the normal functions of proteins and DNA. This disruption is not confined to specific organs but affects multiple systems in the body.

In the central nervous system, heavy metals can contribute to both mental disorders and degenerative neurological conditions. Moreover, damage to blood vessels may result in harm to the liver, kidneys, and heart.

Extended exposure to heavy metals has the potential to cause mutations in the DNA of our cells, increasing the risk of developing cancer.


In summary, the widespread presence of heavy metals in daily life emphasizes the need for regular detoxification. These metals infiltrate our cells, disrupting crucial functions and posing a systemic threat to our health. From mental disorders to cardiovascular issues and an increased risk of cancer, addressing heavy metal exposure is vital for long-term well-being. Awareness of potential sources and adopting detox practices is essential in promoting ongoing wellness and health.

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